It’s Checkball!

Game Download Page

↓The demo video is linked at the bottom↓

(Open the box for more instructions)

How to play

Standard Rules

-The Checkball

-You must get the Checkball into your opponent's goal to win

-The Checkball starts on either side, in the same spot

-When you get the Checkball, you can kick it in any direction or wait to kick it

-It will move until it collides with something

-Kicking the Checkball into one of the gates opens it outward

-Kicking it into an open gate closes it again

-The Checkball will stop in front of a Cue if kicked toward one, like a cone


        -Each player moves a Cue

        -You can only move your Cue 3 spaces (or less) per turn

        -No actions can be done after your 3 moves, (no more kicking, or placing cones)

        -Cues can hold and move cones.


-Move your Cue onto an adjacent space of a cone to pick one up

-You can move with cones, but cannot kick the Checkball while holding one

-Cones can be placed cardinally from a Cue holding one (↑↓←→)

Mintball Rules

-Mintball is an alternative version of the game with different rules

-The Checkball

        - The Checkball functions identically

        -When a player kicks the Ball, they are granted an extra movement space during that turn


        -Both sides have two Cues, they start where the cones used to

        -Players still have 3 moves per turn, but it can be split among the Cues

                -(One Cue moves 2 spaces, and another moves one space in a turn)


        -Only a single cone is active per side, but can be placed anywhere at the start

        -The cone can be moved like a Cue, but cannot pick up the Checkball

        -Only the player who placed the cone can move it

        -Cones cannot be carried by Cues

        -Cone movement is independent from Cue movement

        -You must either move the cone, or Cues during your turn, and cannot move both

        -The cone can move 3 spaces per turn, including diagonal movement

-Gates and Fences

        -Gates can be opened by a cue next to them, but this takes a turn


        -Players decide where to place their goals at the start of the game

        -They cannot be placed touching a wall or fence

Optional components or modifiers:

-Board size can be changed

        -There are 3 included board sizes, 8✕10, 10✕12, 12✕14 with 10✕12 being standard


-Stones can be placed by both players at the start of the game, and cannot be moved afterwards.


-Pools can be placed by both players at the start of the game, and cannot be moved

        -The Checkball can be kicked across pools, but Cues cannot move across them


        -All components can be resized, and duplicated to compensate for any other modifications to the ruleset (e.g. Larger goals, smaller stones, etc)


*You can follow any rules you like

*Cues are the blue and gray things you move

*If the ball is trapped on a side with no players, a forfeit occurs

*The colored cones(and stones) aren't needed, but I think they help for clarification and Mintball

*Help is in the box

Checkball Demonstration Video 

 If you wish to use my game for your purposes, please let me know at @SuperSaltySyrup on discord

I love you <3,

 Thank you so much for taking

 the time to read about my game.

 It warms my heart to see

anybody enjoy something I made,

and I want to express my sincere

thank you to anyone reading